Khusheim Industrial Development - UAE, 2014

Zipfluid bracci di carico e scarico per prodotti chimici: Formaldeide

Formaldehyde is a very strong disinfectant and bactericide both in home applications as well as in industrial ones, where it is used mainly to produce polymers and other chemical compounds.
Formaldehyde poses a significant danger to human health and in case of exposure at high dosage, it can be potentially lethal.


Zipfluid’s proposal for Formaldehyde includes top loading arms – our model LA130 made of AISI316L stainless steel with seals in PTFE.
Mass-flowmeters combined with flow check-valves, electronic heading and any other additional part required for the measurement system.
Among the most commonly used accessories: standpost, overfill sensor, parking device and grounding monitor(Timm EKX-4).
Top loading arms can be endowed with a vapor recovery cone on the end pipe with hose to convey the recovered vapor to the arm’s base.