Vopak - U.K., 2015

Zipfluid Loading Arms for silicones

Silicones are a large family of products and can be found in many different shapes: from oil to gummy consistency and offer a huge range of applications; they can be found as liquids, emulsions, lubricants, resins etc.
Each type of silicon is employed in a specific field: medical products, cosmetics, products for decoration, cooking tools.


Zipfluid’s proposal for Silicones includes top loading arms – our model LA130 made of AISI316L stainless steel with seals in PTFE.
Mass-flowmeters combined with flow check-valves, electronic heading and any other additional part required for the measurement system.
Among the most commonly used accessories: standpost, an overfill sensor, parking device and grounding monitor (Timm EKX-4).
Top loading arms can be endowed with a vapor recovery cone on the end pipe with hose to convey the recovered vapor to the arm’s base.
Loading arms for viscous products can be heated by electrical tracing or by a steam jacket, and insulated.