Zipfluid Metering Skids

Metering Skids are composed by a supporting frame on which a number of different instruments for pumping, measuring and loading of tankers are mounted.

Skids are more and more required especially for plants in remote parts of the world where customers need to buy a reliable “plug- and-play” systems, as it would be not practical to assemble and test the different components on site.

Zipfluid Metering Skids are composed of high-quality and reliable devices, all of them mounted and calibrated in our laboratories in Calderara di Reno and delivered to destination in “one single block”.

The mandatory components of a Metering Skid (according to the MID Directive) are:

  • Air Eliminator
  • Flowmeter (mass or volume)
  • Flow Computer / Batch Controller
  • Control Valve

Further accessories can be added:

  • Filters
  • Temperature/pressure/density sensors
  • Safety, insulation and drainage valves
  • By-pass for Master meter installation