Oleificio Fiorentini SpA - Italy, 2015

Zipfluid loading and unloading arms for food&beverage: Dietary oils

Dietary oils are all vegetable oils, from the commonly used ones to more special ones, such as palm oil.

The type of loading arm to be used depends on the purity level of the oil: in case of raw oils that have still to be processed, loading arms in carbon steel are preferred, while in case of refined oils, loading arms in AISI316L stainless steel with PTFE seals certified for use with food are recommended.


Zipfluid’s proposal for Dietary Oils includes top loading arms – our model LA130 in AISI316 with PTFE seals and a manhole closing plate on the terminal pipe to prevent the dirt from entering the tankers during loading operations.
Turbine or mass-flowmeters combined with flow check-valve, electronic heading and any other additional part required for the measurement system.
Among the most commonly used accessories: standpost, breakaway valve series VA400, sight glass to check the flow, parking device and grounding minotors (Timm EKX-4).
Top loading arms can be endowed with a vapor recovery cone on the end pipe with a hose to convey the recovered vapor to the arm’s base.
Loading arms for viscous products can be heated by electrical tracing or by a steam jacket, and insulated.