Zipfluid provide products and services to a wide range of customers, from multinational EPC’s to local distributors.
Regardless of their size, we always establish long-lasting relationships with our customers, who return for further equipment over the years. Here is a list of some companies who have bought our systems:
- Akzo Nobel
- Al Majd Warner Lewis
- ALBIS Plastics
- Alieco
- Arabian Chem. Industries
- Arizona Chemical
- Arkema
- Assytech
- BACARDI ltd – John Dewar & Sons
- BASF Chemicals
- BC&T Consultants
- Billigham
- Bostik
- Brenntag
- Briggs PLC
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- BTT Marine
- Charles Scott & Partners
- Chivas
- Clariant
- Conoco Phillips UK
- Control Systems
- Cookson & Zinn
- Costain
- Croda
- DCM Group
- Depots Petroliers de Fos
- Desmet Ballestra spa
- Diageo
- Distillerie MAZZARI spa
- DOR Chemical
- DPS Engineering
- Dundee Bitumen
- DuPont
- Eastham Refinery
- Elementis
- Emiliana Serbatoi srl
- Enerflex Middle East
- ExxonMobil
- Fabweld New Mills
- Flightline
- Flow Management
- Flour
- Foster Wheeler
- GDF Suez
- Gilbarco Acis
- Glen Turner Distillery
- Greaves Packistan ldt
- Guinness
- Hexion UK ltd
- Hi-Line
- Hotwork Combustion
- HSD Hoses
- Humbly Grove Energy ltd
- Huntsman – Jacobs
- Hydrocar Chile
- HydroChem srl
- I.G.L.O.M. Italia
- IKL – Istana Karang Laut
- INSURCOL Engineering
- Inutec Tradebe
- J G Pears
- J.Murphy & Sons
- Jacobs Engineering
- John Dewar & Sons
- Johnson & Johnson – Janssen Pharmaceutical
- Johnson Hall
- Kemira
- Kerneos
- Khusheim Industrial Development
- La Petrolifera Italo Rumena spa
- Loading Equipment Service
- L.O.M. Petrolchimica srl
- Lonza
- Ma’aden – Saudi Arabian Mining Company
- Macallan Distillers ltd
- Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
- Maire Tecnimont
- Moove Lubricants
- Musk Engineering
- Nautilus Aviation spa
- Navigator Thames Terminals
- Neri Depositi Costieri
- Nippon Gohsei UK Ltd
- NuStar Energy
- Nuova Solmine
- Oleificio Fiorentini spa
- Oliudreifing
- OMV Group
- Oxon Italia spa
- Papa Petroleum
- Par Petroleum ltd
- Parker – VFP Fuelling
- PAZKAR ltd
- PDIL Engineering
- Pernin Equipements
- PETRA (ENI Group)
- Petro Industrial Pty ltd
- Petrochem ltd
- Petroineos Scotland ltd
- Petrolimex
- Phillips 66
- Pioneer Petroleums
- PQ Silicas
- Prefere Resins
- Prowling Lions
- PTT Thailand ltd
- Rebellion Beer
- ROUBA S. M. ltd
- Sabic
- Salov
- San Marco Petroli
- Sazin Enterprise
- SBZ Corporation
- Scott Bader
- Schwarz Pharma
- Siirtec Nigi Engineering
- SOCAR (client ISOIL Impianti spa)
- SOFEMA lda
- Sprintchimica spa
- Starlaw Distillery (Glen Turner)
- Sumitomo Chemical
- Tecnimont
- Tecnogas srl
- Texon srl
- Titan Aviation
- Total (client ISOIL Impianti spa)
- Total UK
- Transponder Tecnologies pty
- TUBES International sp.z.o.o.
- UM Storage
- Unigrà
- Univanich
- Valero
- Vikoma International
- Vistakon
- Vivergo Fuels
- Walker Engineering
- WG&R Engineering
- William Grant & Sons Distillers
- Yara Finland
- Yara Norway